We employ an investment process focused on your objectives.

What We Do

Our investment approach begins with a thorough evaluation of client objectives including income needs and the ability to tolerate market fluctuations. Other considerations include needs for short-term liquidity, tax concerns, investment time horizon and any additional unique needs or preferences.

One of the most significant determinants of long-term performance is the asset allocation decision; in other words, how much of an investment portfolio is allocated to different asset classes.  We carefully formulate a strategic asset allocation policy to reflect our client’s objectives and risk tolerance.

Osborn, Williams, & Donohoe Team Members

Once the asset allocation decision is made, we implement a portfolio policy through security selection. The process continues with rigorous portfolio monitoring and performance measurement.  As market conditions change, we rebalance the portfolio to reflect the client’s portfolio policy. We regularly review objectives and preferences to help ensure a clear understanding of our client’s long-term needs and communicate frequently with comprehensive reports and personal visits throughout the year. Our investment committee meets regularly to discuss economic conditions, industry sectors and security selection within the framework of our investment discipline.

Price-to-Intrinsic Value Approach

Osborn Williams & Donohoe performs in-depth valuation analysis to identify securities we believe are undervalued. Our “Price-to-Intrinsic Value” methodology helps us to avoid overpriced securities with unfavorable risk / reward characteristics.

Equity Strategies

Dividend Growth

The Dividend Growth Strategy invests in companies with the potential for increasing dividends to produce income growth while providing the opportunity for long-term capital appreciation. We believe consistent dividend growth is a significant contributor to total return over time and helps to preserve purchasing power after inflation. This strategy is appropriate for many investors who desire increasing income and the benefits of long-term capital growth.

Income Equity

The Income Equity Strategy invests in common stocks with above average current yield while providing the potential for capital appreciation. This strategy is appropriate for individuals and endowment funds that need income to fulfill spending requirements. Volatility is traditionally lower with higher dividend paying stocks.

Opportunity Growth

The Opportunity Growth Strategy seeks capital appreciation by investing in fast growing companies. The objective of this strategy is to outperform the Russell 1000 Growth index and the S&P 500 over full market cycles. This strategy is appropriate for investors who can tolerate greater volatility and risk in return for the potential for capital appreciation. Generally, higher growth companies exhibit increased volatility compared to higher dividend paying stocks.

Balanced Portfolio Strategy

The Balanced Portfolio Strategy is a blend of our Equity and Fixed Income investing and is used to provide the appropriate combination of stocks and bonds for each client based upon their specific individual requirements. These mixes can be adjusted at any time based upon changes in either client circumstances or upon changes in market conditions.

Fixed Income Strategy

The Fixed Income Strategy employs securities across multiple classifications and sectors to receive high current income, reduce volatility, and provide a safe investment return. We attempt to control risk through attention to duration and quality of our bond selections. Bonds, commonly used to achieve these results can be fashioned to tax exempt as well as taxable objectives based on client needs.

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